
Windsor-Essex County is well-known for its great weather!

Windsor-Essex experiences 115 days per year where the high temperature is between 20°C and 29°C, more than any other city in Canada. We also enjoy the warmest autumn in all of Canada.

We have 4 different seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter.

  • Winter (December – March)
    It is the coldest time of the year with temperatures that generally stay below 0 degrees Celsius. With the colder temperatures comes snow and ice. During these months you will want to make sure that you dress warmly with winter boots, a winter coat, mittens, a scarf and a winter hat. The winter weather sometimes causes school bus cancellations and the snow means that you will have to shovel your driveway.
  • Spring (April – May)
    The weather starts to warm during the spring months and there is often a lot of rain. You will not need the winter clothing to keep you warm, but you may need to have some water-proof shoes, an umbrella and a spring jacket.
  • Summer (June – September)
    This is the warmest time of year in Windsor-Essex. Temperatures range from 20°C to over 30°C. Many people use pools during these months and a lot of people have air conditioning on. It is important that you wear sunscreen during the day to protect your skin from the powerful sun. You will also want to make sure that you drink a lot of water and keep hydrated. The radio and television may share warnings about the heat and/or the smog.
  • Fall lasts from (October-November)
    During fall the weather starts to get cool again. The leaves on the trees change colours and will start falling from the trees. This season may be rainy, and sometimes will even have a bit of snow. You may need your umbrella and your warm winter clothing for different parts of the season.