Settlement Services

In Canada, settlement agencies have services for newcomers. Agencies offer services that are often free and always confidential, meaning that your information is not told to anyone else. These services may include:

  • Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) and Cours en langue pour immigrants au Canada (CLIC)
  • Interpretation and translation of documents
  • Help filling out forms
  • Help in finding a job or getting employment training
  • Information on other community services, schools and health care

The WE Value Settlement Assessment provides Permanent Residents and Convention Refugees in Windsor and Essex County with the connections to opportunities, supports and services based on their strengths, skills and needs.

Book a WE Value Settlement Assessment

Newcomer Settlement Agencies in Windsor-Essex:

English Settlement

French Settlement

Online Resources

  • has a search section for newcomers so that you can browse newcomer services in our area.

Community Support Services

Many of our settlement agencies have other supports and programs to help you as you adjust. Settlement agencies will have information on the specific types of supports that they have available for you. Examples of different types of supports that you may see in our community are:

  • Food Banks
  • Clothing Programs
  • Home Heating Assistance Programs
  • Nurse Practitioner Clinics