One of the things you may be curious about is how you can start working once you arrive here. There are important things that you will need to know to help you in your search for a job. This section of the website will help you learn more about:
To save you time, Workforce WindsorEssex has created job finding tools that search 40+ job boards and career pages. You can explore job postings in three unique ways:
Explore job postings by career path and find median local wages using…
Find job postings, employment services, training programs, childcare services, and route planning…
Explore job postings in list view using WEjobs board. WEjobs board is where…
For a full list of all job finding tools including upcoming job fairs, how to sign up for email alerts, employment opportunities related to the Gordie Howe International Bridge, and more, please visit Workforce WindsorEssex’s website here.
Looking for resume tips and advice, click here.
You can use the WEsearch tool to find in-person employment services that are right for you. They can assist with your job search, help improve your resume, preapre for interviews and more.
How to Apply for a Job
Once you see a job posting that you are interested in, you will need to send your résumé (a summary of your qualifications, experience and education) and a cover letter to the company that posted the original job posting. Companies will review all of the resumes and arrange interviews with the best candidates for the job.
How to Prepare for Applying for a Job
You may want to learn more about how to write a cover letter, how to write a résumé and how to prepare for interviews. Use our WEsearch programs tool to find an Employment Ontario office. They offer no-charge, government-funded employment services to Canadians and permanent residents.
Learn more about Canadian Jobs
The National Occupation Classification (NOC) (en Français) gives descriptions for the work that Canadians do.
Learn more about Regulated Professions
Learn about the services available in Ontario to help you continue working in your profession or trade if you’ve been trained in another country.
Windsor-Essex needs skilled trades! If you’re looking for a job as an apprentice or journeyperson in Windsor-Essex, use Workforce WindsorEssex’s job board.
What is an Apprenticeship?
An apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of practitioners of a trade or profession with on-the-job training and often some accompanying study. Apprenticeships can also enable practitioners to gain a license to practice in a regulated profession.
What is an Apprentice?
An apprentice (en Françis) is someone who learns a skilled trade on the job, under the direction of more experienced workers. An apprentice is similar to an intern or an understudy. Examples of jobs in the trades include welders, roofers, hairstylists, early childhood educators, bakers and electricians. Apprentices usually practice 90% hands-on and 10% theory in the classroom.
Skilled Trades in Ontario
After you finish all parts of your training, you will be need to be certified to become what is called a “journeyperson” or a “skilled worker.”
Regulated trades require you to pass an exam after your training in order to earn your Certificate of Qualification, although some trades are non-regulated and don’t require a Certificate of Qualification in order to practice the trade in Ontario.
For apprenticeships, some trades are called “compulsory trades.” This means that you have to be certified or be a registered apprentice. Other trades are “voluntary trades.” This means you do not have to have certification to work in voluntary trades.
What financial incentives or grants are available to support Apprenticeships?
If you’re an apprentice looking for money to support you in starting your apprenticeship click here.
If you’re an apprentice looking for money to support you in finishing your apprenticeship click here.
Skilled Trades Transferability within Canada
Red Seal Trades (en Français) are trades that allow you to work in other provinces and territories. Apprentice or journeyperson working in a Red Seal Trade can continue to work in/towards that trade in Ontario.
Want to hire an apprentice?
If you want to be an apprentice you need an employer who will hire and train you. Use Workforce WindsorEssex’s WEsearch tool to find an Employment Ontario office in Windsor-Essex. They can assist you in hiring apprentices.
Is your Child considering a Career in the Skilled Trades?
There are many different pathways for apprenticeship. If you have a child in high school, then they may have the option of starting their training while still in school. This program is called the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program or the Programme d’apprentissage pour les jeunes de l’Ontario.
There are many reasons why you should choose to invest in Windsor-Essex County, and our region has the supports that your business needs to get started in our community.
These resources from the Windsor Essex Economic Development Corporation will show you why Windsor-Essex County is the right fit for you, your family and your business.
An entrepreneur is someone who owns their own business. Entrepreneurship can be both rewarding and challenging. There are many opportunities to start a business in Windsor-Essex County. We have many local supports to help you if you are interested in starting your own business.
You may have completed education, done training or gained work experience in your home country. In many cases, completing education or training will grant you a credential, such as a degree, diploma, certificate or trade certificate. These are referred to as international credentials.
Employers may not understand how your International credentials compare to credentials here in Canada. In order to show them what your experience and education equals in Canada, you will need to have your credentials evaluated by a reputable organization.
There are organizations in Canada that will evaluate credentials for your level of education and for your employment experience for a cost. They are listed on the Alliance of Credential Evaluation Services of Canada website. It is very important that you compare evaluation services and their reports before choosing the service that will work best for you.
Tips on choosing an evaluation service:
A volunteer is someone who works without getting paid.
A teenage girl holding a sign that says “Volunteering allows people to meet friends and make new connections.”
Many employers look for volunteer experience when they are hiring people.
Your children will need to complete 40 hours of volunteer service when they are in secondary school.
There are many benefits to volunteering:
There are many ways you can become a volunteer:
Visit these links to learn more: