Windsor-Essex needs skilled trades! If you’re looking for a job as an apprentice or journeyperson in Windsor-Essex, use Workforce WindsorEssex’s job board.
What is an Apprenticeship?
An apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of practitioners of a trade or profession with on-the-job training and often some accompanying study. Apprenticeships can also enable practitioners to gain a license to practice in a regulated profession.
What is an Apprentice?
An apprentice (en Françis) is someone who learns a skilled trade on the job, under the direction of more experienced workers. An apprentice is similar to an intern or an understudy. Examples of jobs in the trades include welders, roofers, hairstylists, early childhood educators, bakers and electricians. Apprentices usually practice 90% hands-on and 10% theory in the classroom.
Skilled Trades in Ontario
After you finish all parts of your training, you will be need to be certified to become what is called a “journeyperson” or a “skilled worker.”
Regulated trades require you to pass an exam after your training in order to earn your Certificate of Qualification, although some trades are non-regulated and don’t require a Certificate of Qualification in order to practice the trade in Ontario.
For apprenticeships, some trades are called “compulsory trades.” This means that you have to be certified or be a registered apprentice. Other trades are “voluntary trades.” This means you do not have to have certification to work in voluntary trades.
What financial incentives or grants are available to support Apprenticeships?
If you’re an apprentice looking for money to support you in starting your apprenticeship click here.
If you’re an apprentice looking for money to support you in finishing your apprenticeship click here.
Skilled Trades Transferability within Canada
Red Seal Trades (en Français) are trades that allow you to work in other provinces and territories. Apprentice or journeyperson working in a Red Seal Trade can continue to work in/towards that trade in Ontario.
Want to hire an apprentice?
If you want to be an apprentice you need an employer who will hire and train you. Use Workforce WindsorEssex’s WEsearch tool to find an Employment Ontario office in Windsor-Essex. They can assist you in hiring apprentices.
Is your Child considering a Career in the Skilled Trades?
There are many different pathways for apprenticeship. If you have a child in high school, then they may have the option of starting their training while still in school. This program is called the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program or the Programme d’apprentissage pour les jeunes de l’Ontario.